Save money by lowering your gas bill

Recently the wholesale price of gas has risen 266% in the past 12 months, bringing the cost up significantly to businesses.

Maximize Efficiency and Save Money Ensuring that your gas application is running correctly and efficiently is crucial. Not only could you be getting more out of your application, but you could also be saving money in the process!

That’s why we offer efficiency audits for gas applications. Our team of experts will make sure everything is running smoothly and correctly, so you can enjoy maximum efficiency and cost savings.

How to use less gas?

3 Common Reasons for Wasting Gas

  1. Incorrect Burner Setup: If your gas application is set up incorrectly, it could be burning more gas than necessary to achieve the desired temperature. By having your burner set up correctly, you could save 5-10% on your gas usage for that application.

  2. Inefficient Heat Usage: Even if your burner is set up correctly, if the heat it generates isn’t being used efficiently within your process, it can still be wasted. Implementing heat recovery measures can result in massive savings on the gas needed to achieve the desired temperature.

  3. Unnecessary Machine Usage: It may seem simple, but making sure that gas isn’t being burned when heat isn’t required can result in significant savings. This can be achieved through automation measures such as proximity sensors for heaters or updated thermostats.